First Shots, Next Shots or Fundamental Concealed Carry? Who Needs What? Quite often I receive a call, text or an e-mail asking who should attend our First Shots, Next Shots or Fundamental Concealed Carry classes. Generally, my reply is something to the effect of, “The Firsts Shots class is for those who have never shot a gun before, just purchased a gun and want to shoot it, haven't shot in a long time and feel the need to tune-up their marksmanship skills, or those who have a bit of experience but want to refresh their skills a bit”
That covers a lot of bases but is exactly what the First Shots class is. It can be an entry level class for raw beginners or a good refresher for more seasoned shooters. We cover the Four Universal Rules of Firearms safety, the seven shooting fundamentals, how various handguns work, how ammunition works and some basic differences in calibers, cleaning and storing, and more.
What are the benefits of First Shots? First Shots is NOT a self-defense shooting or tactical class so you won’t see a bunch of ‘Tactical types’ hanging around. It is designed to provide the student with a low stress atmosphere where questions can be asked and answered without having to worry about feeling sheepish. We see former First Shots students returning just to recharge and cement those vital fundamentals. Because we provide both the firearms and ammunition for the class, new shooters get a chance to become familiar with how a handgun operates before they go out and purchase one.
As far as the Next Shots class goes, it takes up where First Shots leaves off but, it is not a self-defense shooting class either. In Next Shots we do a quick review of the fundamentals and safety, then discuss various types of range equipment. We also go over different types of pistols and revolvers and the pros and cons of each and we do more involved live fire exercises. We discuss and demonstrate setting up targets, range etiquette and safety, and many different types of holsters and other equipment folks may see at the range. This class gives the student a chance to see and feel much of the firearms shooting equipment available and ask questions again, before going out and spending their hard-earned money.
For those considering our Fundamental Concealed Carry (FCC) class, I suggest, at a minimum, they attend the First Shots class and have practiced a fair amount as well. The FCC is the first class where students will be drawing their handgun from their holster, moving/turning, shooting with one hand and essentially learning what’s it’s like to carry a handgun and put it into use. This is the first class where students will receive instruction on how to use their handgun in a potential self-defense situation. While a bit more involved, the FCC class is still what we consider a minimal level if someone is considering carrying a handgun for personal protection. As with our other classes, safety, accuracy and weapon manipulation skills are stressed.
I hope this answers some of the questions regarding our First Shots, Next Shots and Fundamental Concealed Carry classes. For more information, please contact me (Gary Glemboski) at I’ll be happy to help you choose the class that’s just right for you!
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