Wow!! Two people injured in the parking lot of a popular restaurant, one fatally. Who would have thought something like that could happen there? Here’s a newsflash … It can happen anywhere!
Everyone has different self-defense/protection needs. A single male in a bar has a different priority than a family of four at a McDonald's. A couple eating at a restaurant will have a different focus than a mother with two children at a Walmart. Couple this with the ability to attend training (time/money), the desire to attend training, and the availability of, and access to training and you can see why many don’t attend any classes after some initial safety training.
Many people new to the world of personal protection are ’unconsciously incompetent’ (UI) – they don’t know what they don’t know. Rather, they don’t know what they ‘should’ know. What many do is try to find a ‘quick fix’ or choose a single option like a firearm or pepper spray. Most legitimate ‘martialists’[1] feel it best to be familiar with a variety of methods, as your “go to” system may be ineffective or unavailable. There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to self-defense. If you’re a fan of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, that may not work out when threatened with a gun. Conversely, if you throw all your eggs in the ‘firearms basket’, you may be at a loss in a close quarter situation.
Many UI’s will ask ‘experts’ what they should do. Experts are often chosen because they are/were law enforcement officers, or in the military. While these qualifications may offer a small edge, most cops and military personnel are not shooters and have a very narrow understanding of the overall self-defense continuum. Typically, the ‘expert’ will expound the virtues of his particular ‘system’ and why it’s the best thing since sliced bread. The underlying problem with this train of thought is the lack of variety or flexibility within many systems can leave gaps in the self-defense ‘template’.
Your self-defense ‘template’ basically overlays your daily routine. Your template should include all your options in the context of what you do daily. For example: Do you have children? How many? What are their ages? Could they assist during a critical incident? What about elderly parents? Do you or any of those in your charge have any physical limitations? What about legal restrictions in your area? Can you have high capacity magazines or knives with blades longer than three inches? How about your vehicle? Do you keep it serviced and full of gas? All of these and more must be considered. Also, consideration must be given to your arsenal and what you must focus on.
Finally, there is training and practice. Or more accurately, skill maintenance. Those who take the protection of themselves and their family seriously, will seek the proper training. They will practice those new skills to maintain both competence and confidence. In today’s world, self-defense is more than a hobby – it’s a necessary life skill.
